The Unlimited Capability of Every Human | Charles Sabine OBE | TEDxBath
Charles Sabine OBE was told by a neurologist in 2005, “There’s nothing you can do about this disease. Just live your life as well as you can.” The eighteen years that followed brought a series of revelations that have implications for all our evolution, as well as throwing light on the last truly hidden global community.
His talk at TEDxBath encompasses aspects of genetic history never shared publicly and describes how taking personal responsibility for even the most hopeless destiny can prove there is never an occasion when nothing can be done.
Reactions to Charles Sabine OBE’s TEDx Talk
Charles’ talk is absolutely wonderful…I think everybody who's human will have something to take away from what he says about disease, but also life and what we're here for.
Christian Donlan, author of The Unmapped Mind: A Memoir of Neurology, Multiple Sclerosis and Learning How to Live
I urge you to take 13 minutes out of your day to listen to this extraordinary lecture.
Raymond Blanc OBE
This is an incredibly important talk - so informative, while being moving and powerful.
Leslie Thompson, Neurology Professor at the University of California Irvine Source
Charles is an amazing example of “be the difference you want to see in the world”. I can’t begin to express how much I admire and respect his efforts.
Caroline Benn, Chief Science Office of Loqus23 Therapeutics
An amazing talk. Charles has a true gift for captivating an audience; they will not forget their newfound awareness of HD.
Gilian Bates, Professor of Molecular Neuroscience UCL & Fellow of the Royal Society.
Charles is such an inspiration and stands as the most impactful example I know of how one person can make global change happen.
Diane Stephenson, PhD, Executive Director, Critical Path for Parkinson’s